Hi! Any pride patterns that would be good for perler beads?
Bracelet King
5 months ago by doezknotz
Pretty much the title. Yep!
Bracelet King
5 months ago by Cirivere
I would suggest looking for alpha patterns - as they are not diagonally alligned, then use the keyword pride, or one of the sexuality/gender terms. you can also sort by loves or rating for the most popular ones.https://www.braceletbook.com/patterns/?type=a&keywords=pride #124942 pride cow #93719 pride potion bottles #37797 pride flag #149656 pride shark #34582 chemistry element Bismuth with bi flag #122928 pride banner #128141 #128069 pride goose #148899 side eye dog with rainbow background #165800 bisexual art of saturn, possibly doable with other colours #100423 ace banner and so on |