Book Pattern???
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by BabyWren12
Hi! I wanna make bracelets for this book trivia team i’m on (Battle of the books for my school if ur curious) but I couldn’t find any patterns with a regular book design, (btw i didn’t look through alpha bc that is not currently in my skill set 🙈) so could somebody make a normal book pattern please? if not that’s ok i’ll probably be able to figure out how to make a design but i’m still pretty new and not that good at it yet, If it’s daisy chain style (idk what it’s specifically called but the one where it’s design and then two separate chinese staircase ones then comes back in for design if yk what i mean) that’s ok too! thanks hope im not too needy lol
7 months, 1 week ago by str6yk1ds
I tried looking though normal patterns that have books on them but couldn’t find anything simple enough! Not saying u have to, but learning how to make alphas could really unlock a whole new page of possibilities it bracelet making! I promise it’s not as difficult as it may seem, try giving it a go sometime <333
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by doezknotz
I could try! No promises it will look good (: if u still want it, u can message me and tell me the details, you could tell me the details here, or I could just do whatever with it still being a generic book!
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by Arkengheis
What sort of image would you like in the end ? Open or close, front or side ? what size ? I think it might be hard to show it's a book no matter what because pixel art ^^
7 months, 1 week ago by halokiwi
I made two patterns #173434 #173439
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by Cirivere
@halokiwi I think the first pattern has a slight mistake, row 15- most right knot is supposed to be a bf or a fb?
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by Cirivere
might try it one day- it turned out great!
7 months, 1 week ago by halokiwi
@Cirivere no, that's correct (it's the same as row 1 upside-down)On that side I need to move the brown string in and out to create the brown part of the book while also avoiding brown knots where they aren't supposed to be. |
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by Arkengheis
I made one : #173444, hope you like it ! 😊
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by BabyWren12
Oh wow you guys work fast!!!! These all look super amazing! Thank you SO much!!! 😊 🧡