Bracelet King
11 months ago by mrsbunny
i been tring to make a pattern from a picture im in the area but when i go to look at it i cant see it is there something else i have to put in
Bracelet King
11 months ago by Hylia224
When you're in the alpha from image area, you can adjust how big you want your dimensions (in knots. Like the default setting is 50 knots wide and 50 knots long and that's just the max it can be. Depending on the image it may be under those dimensions or you may need to push the max to a higher number so the image is more recognizable) how many colors you want, up to 26 (with tweaking, you'll almost always never have 26 colors just because 26 gives you some idea of the image's original colors in pattern form) and there's a little button to add a file where you put in your image. Then you press the 'save and test' button and it should pop up. Then you can go to 'draw alpha' and tweak it as needed
11 months ago by halokiwi
You need to go to 'alpha from image'. There you select an image, the number of colours, the maximum height and width. Once you have done this, you need to click 'save & test'. Did you do this? |
Bracelet King
11 months ago by mrsbunny
i have done both and it still comes out weird
Bracelet King
11 months ago by mrsbunny
i have been making it 19 x 25 i see the images and color but it dont show liuke the one i see under patterns
11 months ago by halokiwi
When you use alpha from image, you always need to tweak the pattern afterwards. The pattern won't come out perfect right away.Here are tutorials that might be useful for you If you are happy with your pattern and want to see the knotting instruction, you need to go to the first page of the generator that is just titled 'alpha'. |
Bracelet King
11 months ago by mrsbunny
thank you for all your help im triyng to make a pattern like 92629 but i need the length AND WEIGHT 18x55 and im trying ot put oshawott snivy and tepig on it im new to the pattern and i love the site im being making the bracklet out iof seed bead i put in a few pic alreasy of what i made
11 months ago by halokiwi
In this case I recommend using "draw alpha".There you can draw each chatacter the way you want. May I ask, what image you used in "alpha from image"? Do you have a link to it or could you set it as your profile picture, so I can take a look at it? |