Normal Pattern Suggestions
Bracelet King
11 months ago by SmileSnake
Hi!I wanted some bracelets for some patients in the hospital. Do you have any suggestions for relatively simple, but pretty normal bracelets (not too many strings or colors, not needing FB and BF knots to make the edges straight, no BF or FB knots in the pattern, and would look good in many variations of color) to make in bulk? Thanks! |
Bracelet King
11 months ago by ningc98
my suggestion: the classic candy stripe and chevron
Bracelet King
11 months ago by SmileSnake
Does anyone have any suggestions kind of like #81 or ##162310?
11 months ago by halokiwi
The simple plaid #81 can be easily done with different amounts of strings. It will work out no matter which amount of strings you use. Just alternate rows of f and b knots.Similar patterns to that one would be #21113 #601 #6462 Krazyknotz has many other patterns that are similar to #162310 I think you should find those when searching her patterns for the keyword 'candystripe'. Pattern #96022 is the smallest I found in this style among her pattens. I think #2359 might also be good. |
Bracelet King
11 months ago by SmileSnake
@halokiwi thanks so much!