I NEED a “How to Tie Shaped Bracelets Guide”
1 year ago by clairevs
HELP! I’m really struggling learning how to hide the string on a shaped bracelet. I’ve made a couple but that’s only with the help of a tutorial. I’m definitely not a newbie, and I’d say I’m pretty good at friendship bracelet making. I know shaped bracelets can be similar to triangles starts/ends and other techniques like that which I know how to do very well. Please I need like a step by step guide on how to know when to do a knot over more than on string, and know which side the strings will go. I’m trying to do pattern #164434 |
1 year ago by halokiwi
Simple rule: to determine, if you need to knot over multiple strings at once, check, if there are left out knots on the left or the right of that knot. You need to look at the horizontal rows.If there are left out knots in that row, you need to knot over multiple strings. If there are no left out knots, you only knot over one string. |
1 year ago by halokiwi
I'm pretty sure that @ponotama will post a video. She basically does for all her patterns.
Bracelet King
1 year ago by ponotama
Yes!! I’m making a step by step tutorial literally right now and will post it either today or tomorrow! 😊
Bracelet King
1 year ago by KnotsBySav
If you're trying to do chain link patterns or shaped patterns in general I would also recommend checking out @clairehair 's page as well. She makes some tutorials related to what you might be looking for. It's basically just doing the forward-backward knots over your two sections with one string to create your chains and then the actual normal pattern itself to create your links. Also searching for "chain link friendship bracelets" on YouTube will give you a lot of similar tutorials. |
1 year ago by halokiwi
There now is a video for that pattern.
11 months, 2 weeks ago by mythlover
also, Masha knots has a really good one her bracletbook user is Raccon
10 months, 2 weeks ago by clairevs
Oh my gosh! I just saw the replies to this post! I honestly thought no one replied lol.Thank you everyone for the help and resources! ❤️ |