Bookmark Bracelet ASOUE
4 years, 11 months ago by Eeg2
Hello! If there are any people out there that are a huge fan of A Series of Unfortunate Events or good at the generators, I was wondering if you would be willing to make an alpha pattern inspired by the show/books. Something that could be used like a bookmark would be nice.Thanks in advance! |
4 years, 11 months ago by halokiwi
Sadly I don't know anything about the show/books but I'd like to try. Can you tell me what you would like to be on the pattern?
4 years, 11 months ago by Eeg2
@halokiwi If you google search "ASOUE VFD" there will be a bunch of variations of a photo of what looks like an eye. That's the kind of symbol that I'm going for. That's pretty much all I want on the bracelet, there aren't many other significant symbols tied to the ASOUE Universe. I've tried to recreate the eye myself, but it never works out the way I like it. If you have a chance to get around to it, I'd appreciate it very much! Thanks again!
4 years, 11 months ago by halokiwi
I submitted it! With patterns like this it's always hard to get them accepted so it might take some time until it's actually accepted but I'll let you know.
4 years, 11 months ago by halokiwi
It got accepted #32589