help a sister out [ALPHA PATTERN REQUEST]
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by j0bu_Tupk1
Anyone willing to make a Namor Alpha bracelet pattern similar to this fashion?👁️ (where we only see half of the characters profile, and the end product is usually used as a bookmark or something.)
I can offer no payment, but I’m willing to exchange favours as long as we discuss beforehand and agree upon something, and it’s nothing weird.
1 year, 6 months ago by halokiwi
For future requests, I recommend to put in the title, what the request is about, for example 'alpha bookmark of Namor'. This way people will know what your request is about before clicking on it. This makes it easier for people who are willing to fulfil your request to find it and makes it easier to navigate the forum in general.

Sadly, I am completely untalented, when it comes to patterns like these, so I can't really help you :/