Can someone make a sample with me?
1 year, 7 months ago by noname53
Can someone make a sample with me?

I need a pattern that has quite a lot of yellow in it (I have soooo much yellow).

All my wishes:

- a lot of yellow

-not too many different colours

-Alpha would be great

-not too many strings (I'm a beginner)

-patterns/symbols don't matter

-Doesn't have to be considered, night what you find beautiful but I find the most beautiful: These Cow patterns, flowers and Ying and Yang

That's all there is, if someone is willing to create something for me, that would be super nice, write either here or via these other messages. Thanks in advance.
1 year, 7 months ago by halokiwi
I'm not sure, what you mean by sample, but if you let me know the German word for it, I'll probably understand better 🙂

One of the translations of sample is 'Muster' which I think might be what you mean, but the meaning of 'Muster' in this context would be 'Probestück'. If you mean 'Muster' as in 'Muster für ein Armband' 'pattern' would be the translation for that.

You are looking for a pattern with lots of yellow in it. You want someone to create a pattern like this for you or recommend one to you. Did I understand that correctly?

My recommendation would be to look for patterns with things in them that are yellow like lemons or the sun.

Here are some pattern recommendations
#107381 lemon cow
#40074 lemonade pitcher
#34294 lemons
#132241 lemon cat
#46660 sun
#96060 sun