help request for #130929 !!
1 year, 10 months ago by Cindy
I am wondering how I can make this by starting with only 6 strings? The part i cant wrap my head around is the rows where you need more strings, like where do they come from if you only start with 6...
Have been talking to the user who picture is the most recently posted one on that pattern, and they'd told me that they used Ayako Ponotama's tut vid on youtube, and they even sent me a link, however, i think it might be blocked in my country or unlisted.

ANYWAYS,, would any of you know how to do it? lol thanks rockstarz 🎸🤭🙏🏻🙏🏻
1 year, 10 months ago by halokiwi
For patterns like #130929 you use the full amount of base strings (22 in this case) from the start and in the rows where you don't need them, you basically hide them in the edges by making the first and last knot of the row around all the loose strings at that side of the pattern.

That's a shaped alpha pattern. There are multiple videos on shaped alpha patterns out there, but I haven't seen one that uses a pattern this complex.

This is the video I usually recommend:
It's on the shaped evil eye bracelet