George Michael
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by Vliebana
De momento no soy capaz de hacer mis propios patrones, espero poder hacerlos alguna vez. Pero de momento, si alguien pudiese encontrarme o hacer un patrón de cualquier cosa relacionada con George Michael, lo agradecería. Saludos a todxs y gracias de ante mano.
2 years, 1 month ago by halokiwi
I recommend to always write your message in English or to at least add an English translation so others can understand you better.

Here is what you said according to Google translate:
"At the moment I am not able to make my own patterns, I hope to be able to do them sometime. But for now, if anyone could find me or make a pattern of anything George Michael related, I'd appreciate it. Greetings to all and thanks in advance."

I tried searching for a pattern

I could only find one which is a Spotify code pattern for careless whisper #42157

I could not find any other patterns. Are you looking for portray patterns, logo patterns, patterns relating to songs or something else?
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by Vliebana
I don't think my speech in English is very coherent, since I don't speak it. I will avoid writing in the forum in the future. Thanks for answering.
2 years, 1 month ago by halokiwi
@Vliebana oh sorry, that is not how I meant it. You can continue writing in the forum in your native language, if it is easier for you 🙂 if someone wants to understand you, they'll figure out a way
Bracelet King
2 years ago by sage-wolf
hola! el patron que Halokiwi dice es el solo patron de George Michael en BB. Que quieres? Yo puedo dibujar un patrón para ti. (Lo siento, espasñol no es mi lingua primera)
Bracelet King
2 years ago by Vliebana
@sage-wolf Thank you very much. I would like any pattern of his silhouette, face, etc. Something that has to do with George Michael style. I do not know if you understand me english madrileño 😅