Bookmark pattern request
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by jenmhammer
Hi! I saw a really cute bookmark from an influencer that was handmade and it was knitted or something, I dont really remember but it said “To be continued…” so I’d love it if someone could make a bookmark sized alpha pattern with those same words and maybe the font on top of a plaid or gingham type pattern? I’m really not picky I just love the idea of a bookmark that says “to be continued”!
2 years, 2 months ago by halokiwi
I found three patterns with the text you are after. You can see them when searching for alpha patterns with the keyword "continued".To anyone designing this pattern: keep in mind that we no longer accept simple word patterns. That means you'll need to add some decoration that is both unique and complex. Just the requested background might not be enough. I think this is a very cute idea and I think I'll give it a try myself. Until then, here is some advice how you could do this without a specific pattern: - search for alpha patterns with the keywords "plaid" and "gingham" to find a fitting background - search for alpha patterns with the keywords "font" "letters" "alphabet" to find letters you can use for your bookmark - combine the two patterns on graph paper or in "draw alpha" to create your own custom text pattern - don't submit the pattern, if you don't add any additional elements that have not already been used in another pattern |
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by jenmhammer
@halokiwi! Thanks so much! I totally understand the regulations and rules around simple word patterns! I actually thought about trying to make one myself with those suggestions you mentioned but I’ve only started making alphas for a month now so I feel it’s beyond my skill level at the moment 😆 maybe in time I’ll be able to do it!