Pattern with numbers: 333
2 years, 5 months ago by animaknits
I'm pretty new to the site and bracelet making, but I think I could manage some zig-zag pattern. I would like to look it like if it was made from numbers 33333... I would appreciate some suggestions, maybe you came across something like that. #129648 is close to what I would like to make, but maybe it would be better if it is more narrow? Or at least more like 333.
Bracelet King
2 years, 5 months ago by rollergirl
Hi, I’m a little confused, do you want pattern recommendations similar to the pattern you linked? If so, here are some.#129652 #129508 #129509 |
2 years, 5 months ago by animaknits
Thanks for your answer and my apologies for being not clear. I am searching for a pattern whe number 3 is visible, repeated at least twice, but better many times. The pattern I linked looks like if it was made from lots of "3"-s (at least I see them if I look from further away). But the threes are not prominent enough, so I am searching for something similar just with mor visible number "3" in it.
Bracelet King
2 years, 5 months ago by aurelius
heads up: if you're responding to somebody within a topic, you need to add an @ before their user so that they are notified. like this: @rollergirl 🙂correct me if i am wrong but it sounds like you are looking for a double-chevron pattern. i found #49491 #50102 #74489 + #90569 which would read well with some contrasting colours! |
Bracelet King
2 years, 5 months ago by rollergirl
Yes, and with tagging, if someone comments in your post/pattern you will get notified without having to be tagged. 🙂 tagging is like a link to that users profile.
Bracelet King
2 years, 5 months ago by rollergirl
#128163#97250 These patterns are alphas with the number 3 in them. Most font patterns will also have 3s, so I would suggest searching with the key word “font” |