Fruit of the Spirit Normal Bracelet Suggestions?
Super Moderator
2 years, 6 months ago by KrazyKnotz
I would like to make 76 normal keychains that use 9 specific colors in a specific order that represent the Fruit of the Spirit for a local group as a donation... but I don't know what pattern to make! 😅The colors have to be: Love (red) Joy (pink) Peace (white) Patience (yellow) Kindness (dark green) Goodness (light green) Faithfulness (dark blue) Gentleness (light blue) Self-Control (purple) Does anyone have suggestions? I would prefer normal patterns with 9 to 18 strings? I could just do a simple chevron or candystripe, but I was wondering if anyone had other ideas? 😊 |
Bracelet King
2 years, 6 months ago by nonhuman
Maybe #127293
2 years, 6 months ago by Pandaaa
I have a few patterns that might work for this but not sure
2 years, 6 months ago by halokiwi
First I completely misunderstood the task and thought you were looking for individual fruit patterns in different colours 😂I think I'd probably go with some kind of refracted candystripe or chevron. Here are some that I think look really nice #70531 #58411#93510 #124940 #119653 A candystripe with inserted stars or hearts would also be cute #96021 I think lots of yours and @sodapop's patterns offer themselves for this because they are quite clean and the order of the colour is very recognizable |
Super Moderator
2 years, 6 months ago by KrazyKnotz
@nonhuman @halokiwi Thanks! I will give those a try! I don't have to make all 76 exactly the same pattern, so I will try all of these. 😄