"Ugly" bracelets/fails
3 years, 5 months ago by ekirk1981
I have a lot of floss that I bought years ago from a clearance sale. So, I've been practicing different patterns to use what I have. Apparently, I thought those gradient colors (for example, the ones that change from red to pink but I have tons of different colors) were super awesome because I have so much of it. So I've been trying different patterns and sometimes it works, other times not so much! I have one right now that is not looking so pretty 🙈 I made another a few days ago that really is bit ugly. My question is, should I post the pictures anyway for that pattern? I honestly would not be upset if it got denied because of how ugly it is. My bracelets are not as perfect yet (I took a few decade break on making them) So I'm just practicing to get better before I go on to more advance patterns and Alphas Thanks! ❤️ |
3 years, 5 months ago by halokiwi
Hi, if you post them or not is completely up to you. I think it might be interesting for other users to see which colour combinations work and which don't and maybe someone actually likes these colours that you think are ugly and gets insoired by it.A photo will never be declined for a bracelet being "ugly" btw - whether that is because of an unfortunate colour choice, because of knotting mistakes or because your knots aren't perfect - so you don't need to worry about that 🙂 Photos get declined if they are posted to the wrong pattern, if the quality of the photo is bad, the resolution of the photo is too low, there are unnecessary borders or obtrusive text or anything that would be inappropriate. |
Bracelet King
3 years, 5 months ago by GenMalucci
It’s honestly up to you, I chose to post some of my less “pretty” works because I wanted to see my progress. And some I have just decided not to post pictures of even if I do really like how it turned out. In the future you can always ask for a photo to be taken down if you want a more uniform and official look, but being able to see the creators progress is also sort of cool!
3 years, 5 months ago by ekirk1981
Thank you so much for the advice! I think I will add my two bracelets that didn't quite turn out. I think it's a fantastic idea to see how much I progressed. My goal is to eventually move to Alpha bracelets. I have these great ideas for them but I need to really practice making my knots and also get better at reading patterns and advancing to the more complicated ones. It's all so new to me since sites like this didn't even exist when I was a kid. Mainly because the internet really was in it's infancy. Google didn't even exist yet 😂
3 years, 5 months ago by scorpmoon7
post themmm