I’m going to be selling bracelets. Any recommendations??
3 years, 10 months ago by AcadiaL
Hi guys, gals, and non-binary friends! Every year my town has an art and craft event where you can purchase a booth and sell your crafts. A booth costs $150 dollars. My sister sees so we’re going to split the price of it and sell our own things. I’m planning on selling bracelets, necklaces, and rings. Do you guys have any good recommendations for patterns that if you were a consumer, you would buy? Also any ideas on how much to sell them for? Thank youuu! I love you mwah❤️
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by Night_Owl
Hey! 😄

So for the bracelets you are going to sell I would suggest simple designs that are quite generic. For example, an arrowhead is much more likely to sell than a alpha of a specific football team's logo. Aswell as the arrowhead you could sell bracelets such as chevrons, candy stripes, rag rug bracelets and chinese staircases as they are quite quick to make compared to more intricate bracelets but still look really nice. Also seeing as they are quite quick to make you can go all out with loads of different colour combinations! Another bracelet I think would sell really well at the moment is the daisy chain! You've probably seen these before as people are going completely mad on them right now. They are really cute and aesthetically pleasing so I think many people would want to buy these.

Pattern numbers-
#1 (candystripe)
#2 (chevron)
#18 (arrowhead)
#76616 (daisy chain)
#80763 (double daisy chain)
#39739 (chainlink bracelet)
#78834 (butterfly bracelet)

Also, I was wondering wether you sell jewelry anywhere else (such as online)? I ask this because although craft fairs are really fun, I don't think they are great for making much profit on. I think quite a few people use craft fares as a way to advertise their brand, people who come to the craft fare will see their amazing products and then want to buy more. I'm not saying this to discorage you, you should totally go for it and have fun at the craft fair (I'm actually really jelous of you because I've always wanted to sell at a craft fair 😜)! Also take what I'm saying with a grain of salt, I've never actually sold at a craft fair, this is just based of off some of my other experiences and what I have heard 🙂. I hope this still helps though! ❤️
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by sandykc_8
Try looking for patterns that have a lot of pictures
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by stormii
i agree, try to make cute patterns with simple colors, that are kind of generic. you can also look for patterns with lots of photos, or that you see all over the site. these are popular, and may attract other people to your booth 😊

some cute ones would be:
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by cowboys
I agree with @Night_Owl , you should make and sell those bracelets. Another one you could do if you wanted, is make #3982 to sell. Completely up to you!😜 enjoy and have fun 🤩
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by dot_dot
I would keep it simple like candy stripes #1, chevrons #2, arrowheads #18 mostly, since they don't take much time. maybe braided stitches #117 too I would also make keychains (#67013 #46834 #46309 #26172 #35638 #36093) too, if you can. Also maybe a few "limited edition special patterns" (#9913 #31525 #25049 #59759 #31210) like more advanced thicker patterns. maybe even some small wallhangings (#33522 #36226 #50618 #38709 #62544 #59867) too.

You probably could figure out prices on your own, but here are my suggestions anyways:
Candy Stripe- $2.50
Chevron- $3.00
Arrowhead- $3.50
Braided Stitch- $3.25
Keychains- $4.00
"Limited Edition Patterns"- $4.25-$4.50
Small Wallhangings- $4.50