special alpha pattern request
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by 2006_Mandy
I might have already said this but I really need a pattern of the rhino from the masked singer with the least amount of strings and that looks very nice. My dads birthday is coming up and he recently decided to do something for me which I never expected and really want to thank him. My dad loves the masked singer and listens to Barry Zito's singing on the show from YouTube all of the time. I have tried to make a pattern without success and it would be appreciated. if you cannot do this maybe leave some pattern numbers of cute dog patterns, anything basketball related, raptors is even better and even computer science patterns. 😇 thank you so much in advance to anyone who helps.
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by alicesitu
hey! i'll give it a shot, it might take a little longer because i've got a few other patterns to make. if anyone else wants to i'll just pass it off to them