Reading Alpha Patterns
4 years, 7 months ago by QueenieWea
I normally use the knots at an angle, or forward backward, that sort of thing, but the alpha patterns show as side to side, do I tie those differently? And when they show a new color string entering from the side, how do I do that? I rlly am in over my head
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by 2006_Mandy
You start at the bottom left corner and the rows go up and down. The first row is forward knots then the next row is backward and then it repeats. Each square is one knot so if the next square you are on is a different color you do a color switch to do that you do this: take the new leading string and do half a knots (whichever it is if your row is the backward knot row it will be a backward knot) then you put it up and place the old leading string to the left if the row is backward knots and right if it is a forward knot row once the string is across you take the new leading string and make the other half of the knot. Lastly the old leading string goes under the bracelet to the side until you need it for another knot. The color switch connects the two leading strings because if not the bracelet will be bumpy. Hope this helps! Let me know if you need further explanation.
4 years, 7 months ago by madeleine_
It’s kinda hard to explain alphas without a visual, so I recommend Masha Knots’ YouTube video called “flat alpha bracelets - beginner tutorial”
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by elephants1
I highly suggest to watch Kinsey Bs tutorial called how to read alpha patterns! @kinseyb_ (that’s her bracelet book account btw)