Making Patterns
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by BandGeek22
Hello so I am wanting to start making patterns but I am having trouble. I have made two and they both got declined and I was wondering if anyone had tips on how to make sure they get accepted and also I am running out of ideas. If anyone has like a simpler pattern they want made that I can start with, I can try to make it for you! Thank you for the help and suggestion!!! Have a great day 😄
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by wildcat253
Making unique patterns and making them clean will help get them accepted. Making sure that they look like something cohesive is going to help, as well as making sure that you're not copying another pattern. If the pattern is too simple and doesn't look like anything, it will probably be declined
4 years, 8 months ago by arf820
i’m not sure if you are wanting to create a normal or alpha pattern. since i am more experienced generating normal patterns i will give you some tips on how to get them accepted: first, learn how to generate simple patterns such as the candystripe, chevron, and diamond. then modify them to create your own unique and cohesive pattern. once you’ve played around with the generator a bit and you have learned how to make these simple patterns, more ideas will come to your head. also read the warnings at the top and follow their directions. once there are no warnings at the top your pattern should be good enough to submit. and if it does get declined fix it as the moderator suggests in their note. hope that helps!🙂
4 years, 8 months ago by halokiwi
In general I'd say that before you submit the pattern there shouldn't be any of the automatically generated warnings.

For normal patterns a common issue is that the top and bottom strings don't match. To solve that you copy the pattern and paste it as many times as you need until top and bottom strings match up.

Colours should be not too close together. Try to make each individual colour look different. If you're making an alpha think about if you can use just one colour instead of two very similar ones.

If you want to learn better how to design normal patterns there's a tutorial in the tutorial section on how you can design patterns using graph paper. I recommend you first sketch the pattern on graph paper before putting it into the pattern generator. It's a lot easier this way because you already know what you are going for and which knots you need to do.

For alpha patterns I recommend getting a pixel art app (I use dotpict) to draw your pattern. Then you use the pattern from picture function to convert your pixel art to a pattern. I feel like it's a lot easier than drawing in the alpha generator itself.