tips 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by mmalone
i’m making a list of bracelets “tips” (tips, yes, but also stuff like starts and ends). if you have any ideas or tips please comment 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by erincostaa
hey so this just might be a me thing lol but i recommend having like a bracelet playlist with all of your favorite songs and listen to it while you are knotting because it really gets me into the zone lol
don't know if that's really a tip, but maybe more just a suggestion 🙂
4 years, 9 months ago by SecretLife
I recomend using thin yarn as base strings, use twisted ties (there super easy and look very pretty). Using shaped starts are also helpful when making alpha bracelets. You can learn a lot from masha knots videos. Learning the strieght edges technique is also very helpful, and it makes your work look neat. Also saving all your extra string and scraps of string is good, you can use it qhen making alphas. Having bobins and a countainer is also very helpful to keep things organized.
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by rkade
1. use flat alpha technique when making a bracelet. 2. keep bobbins on while making an alpha so you don’t run out of string
4 years, 9 months ago by kmcbride
anyway, for alphas I recommend getting either aunt lydias crochet fashion thread in size 3 or some of the dmc 25m skeins of cotton perle for the base! It’s cheaper than using a bunch of embroidery floss, especially if you like your ties to all be one color! they’re both at Michaels in the same aisle as embroidery floss!