Edges on 1-2 or Normal Patterns
4 years, 9 months ago by tess_segal
When the edge on a bracelet is one string that's made of all forward-backward knots (L edge) or backward-forward knots (R edge), how do you keep it smooth? Mine are all scalloped-- pretty consistent, but bumpy nevertheless. How do you prevent this?
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by angeldior
i am unsure if you're talking about the straight edge technique. if not, id suggest checking that out on youtube! masha knots has a great tutorial!otherwise, make sure you're tying knots all with the same tension! you can also pull on the sides after making a row to even them out a bit. i hope this helped! |
4 years, 9 months ago by arf820
yeah that tends to happen when you have patterns with fb knots on the left and bf on the right because you are taking a string on the outside and making a knot with it so the string remains on the outside. while this issue isn’t completely solvable, one thing that may help is consistent knot tension. make sure you first knot is tight and then your second knot is tight enough to secure the first knot. this can be tricky with fb and bf knots especially when they are on the outside like how it is with the pattern you are making. another thing that may help as the previous person said is the straight edges technique where you add a string to both sides and make bf knots on the left side and fb knots on the right side. however this technique can only really be effective if your knots are consistent. hope that helps!
4 years, 9 months ago by tess_segal
@arf820 @angeldior thanks so much !!