Thread Opinions- DMC Pearl Cotton
4 years, 9 months ago by DragonZene
Howdy, I wanted to share my opinions on DMC Pearl Cotton for making friendship bracelets. This is going to be a real long rant. I've already talked about my opinions on Prism threads which I didn't personally like so I'm on a quest for my favorite thread. To start I used DMC Pearl weight 5. I'm no expert on thread sizing but from what I understand with crochet thread the smaller the number the thicker the thread. DMC I believe comes in weights 5 and 8 (possibly more) keep that in mind if you'd like to purchase some for yourself, if you want a thicker one go for a 5 or if you'd like a thinner go for 8 (if you can compare it at the store let me know if I'm right. I haven't personally compared 5 to 8)

The price of each skein of floss comes at 1.79 USD for full price at Micheal's. You'll get 25 meters (27 yards) in each compared to a normal floss skein having about 9 meters (10 yards). Compared to getting a craft cord/ thread kit for roughly 20 bucks and getting over 100 threads you're looking at 1.2 cents per yard for loops and threads craft cord compared to 3.9 cents per yard of dmc pearl cotton thread. That is more than triple the price (this factors in a 40% off coupon). So why bother getting this thread when it's more three times the price? Two words: Double Mercerized.

This is probably going to be a critical factor in me determining my favorite thread to work with. I LOVE mercerized cotton. What's the difference between mercerized cotton and regular cotton used for cheap threads? Mercerized cotton is chemically treated to make the cotton stronger, shinier,smoother, and more color fast. To keep this short, mercerized cotton means you won't be snapping the threads as often, it also means that the threads are less sticky. I don't have to sit for 20 minutes after coming back to a bracelet just on untangling all the threads. It also means a wide color variety!

To summarize why I like the thread: it's shiny, it's smooth and doesn't knot on itself much, it's strong. I pulled a loops and thread craft cord until it snapped and pulled a pearl cotton until it snapped . I had to use more force to snap the pearl cotton. The strings feel very nice and I like the bracelets I make with them. The thread is twisted like a yarn and very much like the loops and threads craft cord which I like because it doesn't separate into individual strands like regular embroidery floss would.

The cons: The price. you will be spending 2 bucks per hank. which if you get two or three you could get a 36 pack of threads for the same price. (I was lucky enough to get a lot of these on clearance for about a dollar) The biggest con though is the shape the thread comes in. it comes in a twisted hank. Normally when you get a skein of floss you can just pull the end directly though and it comes out. Pearl cotton 5 does not come in this shape. You have to remove the labels, untwist the hank and open it up to form a big ring. I poke my head through the center and wear it like a necklace while I wind the floss unto a bobbin. You will have to wind each thread you get onto a bobbin to make it usable. You can't buy it and immediately use it. To make matters worse, it's not wound into a hank very well so it tangles on itself often. You will be spending a lot of time winding the threads up to make them usable.

Would I recommend these threads? Eh.
I LOVE working with this thread. Great color selection, great feel. I personally work faster because there's less catching and less untangling. If you're a beginner this is a great thread to work with. However, if you're not experienced with winding threads/yarn from hanks into usable skeins, you may find it frustrating to set up. It's also really pricey (but I think it's worth it to have strong threads in every color I could need) So I would recommend Pearl cotton if you don't mind the price and don't mind the prep work.

That being said: Have you tried DMC Pearl Cotton? What do you think? Do you have suggestions for threads that are made of mercerized cotton that are either cheaper? Or are more ready to use?
What thread should I try next?
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by AwesomeGrl
I have one skeen of it, and I plan on trying soon. Also this type is great because I hate how easily normal dmc splits. I like to use j and p coats, cause its cheep and it doesn't split as easily. Thanks, this review was really helpful!
4 years, 9 months ago by 30ypunto
I am beginner with these bracelet but im a knitter and crocheter and i am using for my bracelets the same thread that im use for knitting. I use Safran Cotton of Drops design. One skein of 50g (160 meters) it cost 1,55 €