how do you hold down your bracelets??? plaesee awswer meeee!!!! page 7
4 years, 2 months ago by gerbil
Clip board and binder clip
4 years, 2 months ago by Leo24568
I Usually use duct tape to tape it to my desk. but do not use duct tape if your surface has a special finish that can be ruined
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by 133382
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by NB2909
i use a clipboard, textbook, notebooks and tape, i use a small piece then put a big piece over the small piece.
4 years, 2 months ago by audiess
Ok my way is slightly weird. You might not have this but if you have a rainbow loom peg board listen up! Tie all of your stings onto one of the pegs. The place it agains an upright surface to help it from sliding. Put a book in front to also keep it from sliding
4 years, 1 month ago by skittles33
I use a certain tape idk what the brand name is but its really good at holding my bracelets down and other tapes don't work for me like duct tape or scotch tape so I only use this tape because no strings slip out while knotting. 🙂
4 years, 1 month ago by skittles33
omg thanks for the tip @audiess! Good thing i have a rainbow loom.
4 years, 1 month ago by brr
I use tape, first I tape the pieces together onto my desk, then I twist all the pieces together and tape that down also above the first piece of tape that way when I make my bracelet the pieces aren’t pulled and end up longer or shorter than the other pieces.
4 years, 1 month ago by Xelanie
I use tape when I´m knotting on my desk, otherwise I use a clipboard. But recently I have been experimenting with just holding the bracelet between my fingers. It comes out more loosely, but i can sit more upright and don´t have to stick with one position the whole time. |
4 years, 1 month ago by potato1122
Ive always used a clipboard I have really crappy tape so that doesn't work for me, plus tape makes my back hurt because I have to bend over more, I even painted my clipboard for some personality!
4 years, 1 month ago by powerg
I really didn't know how many people used clipboards wow! I used to, but then I was too obsessed with bracelet making and I wanted to do it in class, so I went for a more stealth route - attaching them to my water bottle handle (it helps me stay hydrated hahaha) I wonder how many other do that?
4 years, 1 month ago by powerg
Also my last comment wasn't very helpful in answering how I attach the bracelets to my water bottle. A lot of the gals at my camp use duct tape - I do not, I don't want to have to replace it and get new tape all the time, so I just literally tie it to the handle of the water bottle - easy to remove and no extra materials.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by horses13
I use scotch tape
4 years ago by heyppl8976
Sometimes I use tape, and put something down so the tape stays. Maybe use pins for normal patterns. I know when I’m making alphas though I don’t tie them- until the end. You can use a clipboard too. Sometimes you just put like a pillow with the pin in it it’s a lot more comfy hope this helps 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years ago by sampuv00
For the people saying they use duct tape, are you taping over like the actual bracelet or just the beginning strings before the start?
4 years ago by geelaa488
Sometimes if I'm in a pinch I just use the plastic bin I hold my strings in. It has to clips to close it and I just put on end of the bracelet in the middle and it hold pretty good.
4 years ago by salmon_687
I use a clipboard but duct tape never really worked with me for some reason so I use one of those black paper clips (sry idk what they are called) and they work just fine
4 years ago by 23gocubs
Just a plain old clipboard
Bracelet King
4 years ago by brutie_pie
I use we a clipboard and tape( I clip it down on the clipboard then I tape as I go)
Bracelet King
4 years ago by knotnormal
I use a clipboard and put a binder clip on it, or I use a giant safety pin.