How to Stay Organized!
4 years, 10 months ago by OstieKnots
I know for me at least, all my bracelets and string are constantly tangled up in each other, so I'm going to motivate myself to organize them by writing this! Enjoy the tips!Tip 1: Where to Store? Of course, to store your bracelet supplies, you're gonna need somewhere to store all of your stuff. Personally for me, a plastic craft container works great. I have also used Tupperware containers, large plastic boxes, and random containers I find at craft stores! However, I know that with all of the COVID-19 stuff, many of you are probably unable to head out to your craft stores. So, another storage method are sorting your string into plastic bags, bobbins, (bobbins compact your string and are great to have even if you have a plastic storage container), a drawer, an old Tupperware or plastic container from your kitchen, or a cardboard box, as some options. (Also, look on Amazon for some great deals!!) Tip 2: Method of Organizing If you're trying to organize your supplies, chances are you aren't just going to throw them all in a random container without some type of organization method. Some ways you can sort your STRING are: rainbow order, darkest to lightest, neon vs. dull, favorite to least favorite, most to least used, etc. I do reccomend buying bobbins, as if you wind all of your string onto bobbins before putting it in your container, it will reserve space and not become tangled. In my country, they are around $2.00, (or £1.68), and thy come in a 50 pack. I do reccomend the plastic bobbins vs. the paper ones. For finished bracelets, you can organize them by: favorites, smallest, biggest, most worn, most colorful, etc. Do them in whatver way will be most convienient for you to access the ones you need at any time. For unfinished braceets, you can wrap up the string and partly finished bracelet into a circle, and store in one generic area. That way, you know whre all of your bracelets you need to finish are so you don't start a new one just yet! (Also, prioritize by what you need/want finished first to be effective in finishing them all on time.) Tip 3: Put Stuff Back! This is my worst habit which leads to the total mess of my supplies!! You need to put things back when you are done using them, correctly and neatly. If you don't do that, then your supplies can get very disorganized and you will have to reorganize all over. AGAIN. So remember these things: rewind your bobbins, throw unusable extra pieces away, (If you cut pieces of of a bracelet that had extra string and it is a longer piece, keep it! You can use it for alpha bracelts or a rag rug bracelet, among other things.), shut and store your cotnainers, and regularly tidy the container if something isn't in place. It will help in the long run of the container because rather than waiting until it is a catastrophe, fixing small things that you see now instad of later will hlp you avoid having to clean the entire thing ALL THE TIME. I hope this helped you!! If you have anything to add, please reply! I always like to know your guys' strategies for keeping your stuff nice! 😄 (P.S, if you have a lot of tangled balls of string, put them aside until you've done mostly everything else, then reserve a time to do them! That way you aren't untangling a ball for 10 minutes, then wrapping for 5 minutes, then untangling again!) Bye luvvs! 😘 ❤️ Ostie ❤️ |
4 years, 10 months ago by Tiaraa_-
what I use to keep organized is a a plastic container with slots and this cardboard thingy that's meant to wrap string in and put it in color order in the slots and these estra room for more
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by AwesomeGrl
I love these tips, but I like to just cut up small cardboard squares and make a tiny slit on them and then use them like bobbins. This way you can resycle (i know i spelled it wrong) cardboard and not use your money on bobbins. This really works great for me, try it out! Thx for the tips! 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by Clairaland
I know I am responding like really late. So for me to stay organized I got a plastic organizer with dividers that I found in my closet...I also bought cheap bobbins from hobby lobby and I spent three hours winding two packs of the same thread and then put it in a color gradient in my box... also I store my bracelets in a cardboard shoebox with cardboard dividers..
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by Beginner
I use 3 craft containers. -One for holding leftover string (that I can use for alphas) -One for holding finished bracelets -One for holding the main pack of strings that I use I keep the other ones in other places. Stay safe y'all 👍 |