Any advice for the bracelet shop I want to open?
Bracelet King
6 months ago by ElinBeck22
So I'm gonna start selling my bracelets soon so do u guys have any advice?
Bracelet King
6 months ago by KnotsBySav
I used to have an Etsy and stopped posting because it got boring for me. I got tired of making patterns other people wanted that I didn't like instead of ones for me that I actually wanted to. It lost the "hobby" aspect for me and became a job. A job I was no longer passionate about. I stopped doing Etsy but that doesn't mean I don't recommend having one! I would suggest to have a clean background with good natural lighting. I used to take a piece of wood outside and take my photos. Make sure you include a photo of the back of your bracelet because somebody who doesn't make bracelets probably doesn't expect them to have the messy backgrounds. Remember your photos and descriptions are what makes the buyer attracted to buy your product. If you see a picture with terrible lighting and a weird background you probably don't want what's being sold. Kinseybracelets is a great example. Your keywords and tags HAVE to be filled out as descriptively as possible for your products to even be visible when searched. I noticed an increase in my sales when I participated in Etsy Ads putting in only a dollar a day. You only get charged if they click on the listing not just if somebody sees it. I would also consider making an Instagram page just for your shop and also having family purchase from you and leaving a review. Do not buy pricey bubble mailers. Buy the bulk packs on Amazon for $10. They're really cute and very affordable. I used to buy bulk stickers for freebies and those little wedding favors baggies on Amazon for my bracelets and keychains. Fold the bracelets when you put them in the bags, write a nice little note too. For your shop logo I recommend going onto Canva and making a free one and screenshotting it just like my pfp on here. I'll even make you one if you want. I bought business cards and they did nothing so I don't recommend buying a bunch of those. Make them yourself. If you have any other questions I would be glad to answer!
Bracelet King
6 months ago by ElinBeck22
@KnotsBySavThank you so much! That's super helpful! You explained everything so well thank you! |