tips for staying motivated
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by nev_m_07
I love making bracelets, but I find myself getting bored so quickly, and it takes me absolutely forever to finish. I have so many unfinished bracelets that I just got bored of and never finished, and I really want to break that habit. I tried making smaller patterns that weren’t as complex to help, but I still find myself losing interest after about 30 mins of working on it. Any tips?
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by KikiLilou
Are you doing anything while knotting? I find it really helpful to watch something like a series, film, etc. What also helped me a lot was to just take a break from knotting overall for a while. It was hard at first because I missed it but I did other things in the meantime. I just took knotting back up a few weeks ago and I am more motivated than ever 😄 |
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by lynx123
I don't know if this works for anyone else, but I like to set super small goal for myself, like: "I'm going to do one repeat of this pattern and then take a break" and then once I reach that super tiny goal I find that I can usually keep going, and it kinda tricks my brain into thinking I'm being really productive and that motivates me.
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by superme123
I have a few tips:Sell a few bracelets to your friends Do bracelets on the go listen to musin, podcasts, etc while knotting Try segment knotting, it makes braclets go much faster Design your own bracelets and make those Upload your photos to braceletbook Tell yourself you can only be working on (just as an example) 5 projects at a time Hope that helps! |
8 months ago by KLopez0217
join challenges that have deadlines
Bracelet King
6 months, 1 week ago by anne7
Definitely listen or do something while making. Do a pattern you're interested in that's not too huge. I just got back into making bracelets and keychains a few weeks ago after not doing it for months. So if u take breaks tbats also totally fine. And also giving them away/selling them or making something for someone helps usually.
Bracelet King
6 months, 1 week ago by anne7
Also this is just ne but I prefer alphas bc u get to make smth whereas in normals it's just repeating
4 months, 2 weeks ago by 01289
I love to watch documentaries while I knot 👍
3 months, 3 weeks ago by bfrbailey
this is kinda late but I enjoy watching movies/Netflix shows while I knot. It also helps if I’m in a car for a while. But I’ve noticed that I personally get less bored with longer patterns. 🤍🤍🤍
3 months, 3 weeks ago by goregirl
^ agreed. I put on some music or YouTube podcasts/stories to listen to and it goes by faster. Also maybe challenges? If you’re interested in the rewards or just want some help giving yourself a timeline/deadline
1 month ago by Kyndemoo
Other people have already mentioned similar ideas but I love listening to an fiction audiobook while knitting. It makes me wish I had more time to do so!
1 month ago by renee1907
One of the ways i typically stay motivated is by watching bracelet makers on youtube and knotting along with them. Having it seem like someone is doing the task with you can really help it seem less boring. The videos can also help with inspiration or even tips on technique. I also find watching a series/movie or listening to an audiobook really helpful. I also usually won't start a new bracelet until my current WIP if finished to make sure I don't get distracted, but it also helps me stay motivated to finish it so I can start new projects. Hope this helps 🙂