Starting and ending patterns
Bracelet King
10 months, 2 weeks ago by banankage
How do I get those triangle starts and ends on both normal and Alpha patterns? (With the loop at the start)
Bracelet King
10 months, 2 weeks ago by leviOsa_09
There’s probably a tutorial on here if you go into tutorials and search “starts” or maybe “loop” but basically you cut your strings, like normal, preferably using a pattern that has even numbers of each color and put it into a loop. whatever color you want to be the color of the loop, cut an additional string (i do it like 12 ish inches, sometimes less or more based off of how large i want my loop). then, do a larks head knot on the middle of the main string, folded in half. then, i normally clip a binder clip on something and attach it to that, and take one side of the main string, and one of the tail strings of the larks head knot. i do either bf or fb knots repeating the length i want it (normally the amount of knots i do for a triangle start is double the amount of strings(ex: 8 string bracelet, 16 knots, 8 on each side of the larks head knot). once i do the amount of knots i want, i flip it and do the same on the other side. then, i look at the pattern, and find a good upside down v to use as my start. i highlight the pattern on my phone and white out all the knots on the edges so i know what strings. starting on the left side, i take out the first string needed in the v and do a forward knot with it. then, the second string,, the third, and so forth. you won't knot the last one, it'll just be left out at the end. next, do the same thing with the right side, except doing backwards knots. now, your strings should be in order to start. /\ - do this knot first! / \ - if you segment knot, you can do it however it's best for this pattern, or fill in the triangle row by row! / \ / \ / \ - once you reach the end, you can start knotting the pattern how you normally do it, whether it's segment knotting or row-by row. to make a triangle end, i know there is a tutorial on bracelet book but if you need an explanation let me know! sorry if it doesn't make sense lmk if you want me to clarify! |
Bracelet King
10 months, 2 weeks ago by banankage
Thank you so much!! I’ll try it out whilst reading your explanation 😄
Bracelet King
10 months, 2 weeks ago by AlmaLlama
What @leviOsa_09 explained is very in detail, but if you also need some visual explanation, here are some links to:Tutorial on triangle ends on normals: Tutorial on triangle ends on alphas: |