Any tips for metallic thread?
10 months, 3 weeks ago by Lluii
I've recently bought my first metallic thread, as I've seen several bracelets that used it and looked absolutely stunning. I'm kind of scared about using the metal thread as I've heard it's quite different from regular thread, and it does feel like it (and it was kinda expensive, so I don't want to mess up anything). Anyone got any tips when tying the thread, or just any patterns that look cool with metal thread?
Bracelet King
10 months, 2 weeks ago by EggMan
I don't have much experience with metallic thread, but in the few times I've worked it, I found that tying the end of the thread while working with it to be very helpful. The metallic thread I used was unravelling like crazy, and tying it with a simple knot made the unravelling stop at that point, and not continue up to the part of the thread I was using.
10 months, 2 weeks ago by Lluii
I did see my thread had this tendency to keep unraveling, and I will take that into account, thank you so much!
Bracelet King
10 months, 2 weeks ago by arccrabe
I’ve only made a couple bracelets with metallic thread but I’ve noticed that metallic thread makes larger knots than regular thread. I either make the knots with metallic thread SUPER tight or I take out one of the six strands in the thread.
10 months, 2 weeks ago by Lluii
Oh yeah, I think I heard about that not too long ago. I already had to knot the thread on itself when I bought it because the threads were separating, so to not cut the knot I'll first try to work with it knotting super tight, but I have a horrible fame for breaking thread, so I'll probably just end up taking one strand out. Thanks for the advice :]
Bracelet King
10 months, 2 weeks ago by wiland
The metallic stuff I worked with seemed to stretch way more than I anticipated, so it was kind of hard to get very tight. It also seems to like to undo itself. I've started taking a strand or two of metallic and mixing it with 4-5 strands of regular floss. It behaves better and still looks great. Plus you get more bang for your buck because you're using far less of the metallic thread.
10 months, 2 weeks ago by emp217
#52699 is really cool with a metallic thread

if someone has more recommendations - please 😉 I also bought metallic thread...but mine feels like plastic and is a lot thinner than the usual embroidery floss.
10 months, 1 week ago by Lluii
#52699 is such a cool pattern! Had never seen it