normal pattern edges
Bracelet King
1 year ago by fishyknots
do you have any tips for making the edges on normal patterns straighter? (other than the straight edge technique.) i've just started my first normal in months and the edges are relatively straight, but they have a few dips. whenever i knot on the edge string i make sure to pull the string straight down instead of angling it. is it just practice or do specific things help? thank you so much
Bracelet King
1 year ago by AlmaLlama
It's something pretty usual to happen to patterns that don't have the same type of knot at the edge (example #164761) so that's why the straight-edges technique help you, because you make only 1 type of knot on the edge. But there are also patterns that have the same type of knot on the edge, but not using the straight-edges technique, as example a pattern that you already made #31210, and as I saw your edges were very neat! It is also quite a lot of practice, so don't worry! For what I know there's no tricks or things like that for the edges (excluding the straight-edges technique) but if you have almost the same knot tension on all of your knots your edges should be perfect! (and btw your edges at normals are very good!!)
Bracelet King
12 months ago by fishyknots
@AlmaLlama tysm for the feedback! you’re very helpful!