Keeping track of Alpha base strings
1 year ago by Lady_Simca
I had a ton of trouble keeping track of the base strings when making an alpha pattern, I kept knitting on the wrong ones and it was just a mess. Well, I realized that since you don’t see the base strings, they could be any color. So I’ve started alternating base strings so I can easily tell if I’m grabbing the wrong string. My favorite Beth of is something like “light orange - light green - dark orange - dark green” that repeats as many times as needed. This way I know next to an orange I shouldn’t be grabbing another orange. This also lets me use any color threads I have a bunch of and don’t seem to use as much. I also use a sketch app to track what row I’m currently knotting, so I can draw a little colored line under each column that corresponds to the thread I have for that column. That way I don’t need to count individual knots, I can just see “okay, so I switch colors at the second dark green”. Hope this helps others who might be having the same trouble. ❤️ |
Bracelet King
1 year ago by RyanMarieS
@Lady_Simca Thats actually so smart!! I needed this lol 😜 I ALWAYS either tie my strings onto the wrong base string or I don't count my base strings rights so the whole pattern is messed up 😭 😭 I most recently did this on #162901 where I added an extra base string on the left side, and I just started #161875 and I accidentally added 16 strings instead of 18 and i was too lazy to start over since I was already on the 3rd row... So now when I post the picture, It will have a column cut of of it on either side 😢