keeping inspiration!!
Bracelet King
5 years ago by sillpickle
hello, I started making bracelets around early 2019 and have loved making them since. my main problem is that when knotting a bracelet, I often get bored and start a new one before eventually finishing the current bracelet (if that makes sense). I was wondering if anyone had any tips on staying inspired and interested in the bracelet you're currently working on! thanks in advance lol
5 years ago by halokiwi
I feel it helps to listen to podcasts or radioplays while knotting. If the pattern isn't too complicated you could also watch TV or YouTube during it. Phone calls are also a thing you can do while knotting.
Bracelet King
5 years ago by Someone_
I agree with what has been said previous. Something I sometimes tend to do with a pattern I am not totally crazy about; is to do small sections here and there, and then take a break to go and do something else and then come back to it, after a small while. 🙂
Bracelet King
5 years ago by BeadGirl16
@sillpickle happens to me all the time. Sometimes I just have to force myself to work on a bracelet if I want/need to get it done. But basically reiterating what @halokiwi and @Someone_ said, I like to listen to music or an audio book and make a small goal for myself to get one section or a few rows done on the bracelet.