at what price should I sell my bracelets 🤔
1 year, 5 months ago by booknerd04
HIIII!! Im planning on starting an Etsy shop soon and I wanted to sell beaded jewelry and I was just wondering at what price would it be best to sell them at?😭
1 year, 5 months ago by halokiwi
You have to consider the cost of the material used and also how much time it takes you to make them. Based on that you can determine a price that would make sense.
1 year, 5 months ago by Tanimo32
what @halokiwi said before, but also depending on how long it takes or how good it looks, you may want to price it more or less. Let's say you got some really, really pretty beads for a bargain becuase your local craft store was having a sale, and it only took you a couple minutes to make the bracelet, and it comes out looking GORGEOUS! That one you ay want to price more, because people will pay more for it, even though it didn't cost much in time or money. However, I've found in selling my bracelets that no one would buy them if I sold them for the hours it took me x minimum wage. So, I end up underpricing them a bit. Howeer, this is just advice, you should do whatever works for you
1 year, 4 months ago by dmolliae
@Tanimo32 I thought about selling them, but if I charged based on the time it takes I wouldn't be making minimum wage I'd be in a sweatshop. I just make them for people I like :-/
Bracelet King
1 year, 4 months ago by marie_k
The best advice I found was to look up the market. What other people sell as and see the price range. If you're starting out, i'd say start on the lower end to build up a customer base. I personally consider the cost of my product + any other fees (like etsy) and adjust my price in consequence. I ask myself : is this a proper margin for the time I put in it. I don't think you'll ever come close to minimum wage in your profit... so it's to see if you're good with that or not 😉
1 year, 4 months ago by itsitzy
I usually spend between 10 and 15 Mexican pesos on a bracelet, as they said before it depends on the difficulty and time you took making the bracelets, I usually give the low difficulty bracelets for $20, the medium difficulty one for $25 and the most difficult ones. I give it from $30 to $35 Mexican pesos 🙂