selling bracelets/ prices
Bracelet King
5 years, 1 month ago by 95033094
What is a good price for a bracelet that is about 16 strings wide (8 strings folded in half)? Also where is a good place to sell my bracelets. I was thinking Etsy but I was wondering if there was anywhere else that I could sell.
Bracelet King
5 years ago by uwucorgi
etsy has extra fees for posting a listing, and takes some of your profit from each purchace you get. so maybe you could open a selling instagram and do payment via venmo or paypal? hopefully that helps a little
Bracelet King
5 years ago by Sway
I sell my bracelets on Instagram, a 16 string bracelet would sell for roughly 8-10 dollars plus shipping for 2-5 dollars depending on where they live ❤️
Bracelet King
5 years ago by akduncan
Sway I agree, it also really depends how long it takes you to make the bracelet. 🙂
Bracelet King
5 years ago by Someone_
I'd work it out by setting each individual string at a price, so like 0.20 for example, then multiply that by how many strings you used within the bracelet. I would then factor in how long it took you, so add a little on top for that, and also bare in mind the difficulty of the pattern (for example you wouldn't price a Chevron the same as a Starburst even if you had the same amount of strings...), also factor in within the price charms, key-rings, crimp ends etc. 🙂