using triangle ends/ chevron to make a v shape necklace advice?
Bracelet King
2 years ago by dragonfrui
My mum has requested a necklace for her birthday.
I thought a v shape would suit her.

I'm picturing a triangle beginning, and you know how if you start with a chevron shape it naturally splits the bracelet into two twins?

I found a pattern she would like (16 strings) and thought if I do a beginning with 32 strings and make a chevron, and knot on both ends with the 16 string pattern it would turn out to be a v shape.

Has anyone tried anything like it? any unexpected surprises? would it work?

Don't know if this is the right place to ask sorry. 🙈
2 years ago by halokiwi
I think it would work, if you knot with 16 strings. To make the v-shape once you reached half of the length you want to reach you leave knots out in a triangle shape like visible in pattern #37570 (you can also look at the pictures there) and pull the knots tight so there is no gap. The bracelet will bend automatically.

I'm not sure how well your plan to do it with 32 strings would work, but I'd recommend experimenting with less strings/some scrap strings on how you can get the effect you like.
Bracelet King
2 years ago by dragonfrui
@halokiwi I was picturing staring from the midpoint of the necklace, and work my way up the neck line. a triangle beginning then make a triangle so it's like a diamond shape and halve the strings to basically make two independent bracelet from both sides, if that describes it better

I will try it and submit pictures if it works. wish me luck, will use your suggestion as backup

thanks for your advise and yeah knot tightness would be super important.
2 years ago by halokiwi
My only concern with starting in the middle would be, what you would do with the ends of these 32 strings. Are you planning to make some sort of tassel in the middle of the bracelet or what do you plan doing with them?
Bracelet King
2 years ago by dragonfrui
@halokiwi I'm going to try to attach a button or some kind of a clasp.
Bracelet King
2 years ago by dragonfrui
@halokiwi it would all be hidden behind the neck anyways
2 years ago by halokiwi
I thought the V-shape was meant to be in front of the neck like this

back: ends of 16 string bracelets

|16 string bracelet| neck |16 string bracelet|
\16 string bracelet\\\\////16 string bracelet/
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\32 string bracelet///////////////

front: ends of 32 string bracelet
Bracelet King
2 years ago by dragonfrui
damn thanks for the good visualization. sorry for my mess of describing it.

I didn't consider that 🤯 . too used to bracelets.

3 ways I thought of what do you think would work best.

I thought maybe I could maybe buy her her birthstone or something (still feel weird with giving her such a cheap DIY gift like I have a job and stuff I'm not 12 anymore) and tie it onto the 32 to dangle like a normal necklace? but that would be really thick and clunky looking.

Maybe i could spread it could and sew it onto the back ?

Or i could just try to tie a very tight knot and cut it short, and hopefully it won't come loose. I heard some chatter about a lighter and nail polish but I would have to experiment

Or a tassel form like you said, or maybe just roll with it and make it longer and tie it into a bow even?

Thx for advising ❤️