How to use bad quality threads
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by marie_k
Call me crazy but I almost only use DMC thread because I love how they feel and how smooth they are. But I also have an old pack of thread I bought years back. I'm guessing the easy way out is to use the threads in alphas but my question is...Am i better to use the 'bad quality thread' as base strings and the DMC as the leading string ? Do you guys have any other suggestions on how to use those so they don't go to waste ? |
2 years, 1 month ago by ughastd
i’m not sure if there’s a huge difference in worse quality thread vs dmc, at least one that is visible. i think the best strategy would be to use dmc as the leading string in order to conserve it, but again idk how big of a difference there will be visually
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by marie_k
@ughastd the thing is that the dmc threads are « straight » where are the others are twisted. So the texture is different and when i knot with the twisted ones it gets bumpy and rough to the touch. I am quite sensitive to texture so maybe it is just me 😅 but i’ll try to use them as base strings and see how it goes !
1 year, 11 months ago by idkemma
I do that two I haven't really noticed a problem with it I use my old strings for base and they always come out fine
1 year, 6 months ago by person29
I have this big pack of really bad Walmart thread that I just use for bracelets that aernt exactly normal friendship bracelets. Like you can do “wish” bracelets, zipper bracelets, pura vida style, etc. With my string knitting with it is difficult so these kinds of bracelets are easier with it and you can’t really tell how good or bad the thread is within them.
1 year, 6 months ago by SheepDog12
Hi! I’d recommend creating Chinese ladder bracelets or Zipper bracelets with the low quality string. Both of these bracelet techniques take up a lot of string quickly if you are looking to use up the low quality string. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️