How do you know how long the string should be?
2 years, 3 months ago by ArtColor
Hi, could someone please tell me how to calculate how long a string should be?
2 years, 3 months ago by halokiwi
I know that there are people who have figured out specific formulas, but I'm not one of those. I just estimate how long to cut my string.

I take 90cm per string, if all strings are used equally like in a candystripe or chevron
I take more than 90cm, if a string needs to make lots of knots like for example when a string is used in an outline
I use less string, if a string is used to make less knots like for example the string added at the edge for the straight edges technique
2 years, 3 months ago by whitneymac
Lol I use an even less precise method of estimation than above ^

For patterns requiring an equal amount of string for all colors I use half my wingspan, so from the center of my chest to the tip of my fingers. Everybody has different wingspans, but generally if you have a smaller wingspan you also have a smaller wrist, so the math still works out. For patterns that are symmetrical, or where I need two of the same color, I just use my entire wingspan (finger tips to finger tips) and fold the string in half, using the folded part to create the loop.

In patterns where one color gets used significantly more or less than others I just guess. As a rule I lean towards cutting the strings too long rather than too short. If I have excess string at the end it is easy enough to reuse it to make a rag rug bracelet or for an alpha that only needs a couple of knots in a particular color.

Hope this helps!
2 years, 3 months ago by halokiwi
@whitneymac 90cm sounds very precise, but it's actually just the length from my finger tips to the opposite shoulder 😂 so actually it's not more accurate then just taking your wingspan, I just measured it at some point to know what I'm working with
2 years, 2 months ago by Remah
Actually I don’t. Because of that I do only alpha rarely I do normals