General Alpha Knot Tips
2 years, 4 months ago by spyderwebs
I’m finally making my first alpha bracelet and it’s actually going pretty well! (it’s technically my third attempt but we won’t talk about that lol) i’ve only ever made tiny keychains before with very few colours and only 10 rows long so i’ve not really done a lot of alpha knots beforeand i was wondering if anyone had any general tips on how to make my knots neater? the knots look pretty good and it looks as it should (i think) and i seem to have finally got the tension right, which was the problem with my previous attempts. but they are just sometimes a little bit wonky or too big or small I know from making normal bracelets for years that a lot of it just comes from practise and making a lot of them, but does anyone have any general tips on how to make the knots themselves neater? any tips at all would be appreciated 🙂 |
2 years, 4 months ago by __Mash__
Hi! I recommend having a few strings between your fingers (you can find how to on masha knot's video about knotting tips),so then making the next knot they would look similar. Also use good quality thread so then the knots would look good. You can use the flat alpha technique so the alpha itself would be neat and flat,and for the edges the straight edges technique🙂 hope i helped a bit,good luck on your bracelets!