Tips for More Professional Looking Bracelets
5 years, 1 month ago by fire31
I feel like I have trouble making my knots consistent and making my bracelets look professional and neat. Any tips? 😊
Bracelet King
5 years, 1 month ago by hannah_0
You can use the straight edges technique masha knots on YouTube has a video of it on YouTube. For more professional make sure all your knots are tight
Bracelet King
5 years, 1 month ago by Someone_
Honestly, with making knots consistent it all just comes down to practice. Also remember, you're not just practicing tying knots you're also trying to figure out what tension works for you, and also how much thread you prefer/are comfortable working with. As for tips, like what was previously said, the straight-edges technique is great, so definitely give that a go (if you haven't already). But also, what surface are you working with? Try exxperimenting, I find that my bracelets come out best when I use a clipboard as opposed to pinning them to something. Another tip I have is try keep to the same brand of thread/yarn when you're making a bracelet, sometimes that can affect how the bracelet turns out (in my opinion). It may take a few different tries at different things until you find what works best for you.
Bracelet King
5 years ago by unicorns14
5 years ago by toblerone
Triangle ends and braided or twisted ties. I noticed in your photo that you had knots at the end of your bracelet before the ties. Maybe eliminating those would make it a little more professional looking? I’m not really sure. Just tighter also
5 years ago by brr
Yeah like @toblerone said using loops, triangle ends, and twisted ties would make it look more professional
Bracelet King
5 years ago by wildcat253
@fire31 You can do crimp ends for your friendship bracelets. @Racoon or Masha Knots has a great tutorial for that. They turn out pretty cool.
5 years ago by fire31
Thanks for the tips everyone 😁
5 years ago by halokiwi
When making your knots also pay attention to placing them right when making the first half of the knot. Pull them tight but not too tight.
5 years ago by kacolgan
yea not too loose but not too tight because if you pull them too tight the bracelet will get really stiff and will be uncomfortable to wear. Hope this helps.
Bracelet King
5 years ago by pandas21
Try using a clipboard! Those make my bracelets look better then when I use tape because it doesn’t stay very well so I have to pull really tight. Hope this helps
Bracelet King
4 years, 12 months ago by soph_lax
Do a loop, use triangle ends, make your bracelet adjustable, and twisted ties are some ways.
Bracelet King
4 years, 12 months ago by akduncan
I honestly pull my knots pretty tight and it makes the bracelet look good ( in my opinion ) and after you wear it for a while it gets a lot loser 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years, 11 months ago by sillpickle
Not that my bracelets are super professional, but I find that it helps to have a pretty organized start to your bracelet. Whether you use triangle ends or a loop or something else, if your ends are neat the whole bracelet can end up a lot straighter 🙂
4 years, 9 months ago by cbb_knots
I would suggest making sure your knots are tight, but not so tight that they are uncomfortable to wear, use twisted/braided ends, teardrop loops, crimp ends, straight edge method, etc. I have been making bracelets for around 4 years and it took me about 2 of them to get to the tension and how tight I pull my knots today, so PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE, and have patience with yourself! 👍
4 years, 9 months ago by JoshuaL6
Use a flat surface to do them! When you tape it down, make sure that your strings are sort of fanned out and none of them are overlapping and the tape get’s every string. When your starting the bracelet, use about 2-3 pieces of tape, but don’t overlap them. Also, as you make the bracelet, tape it down so it’s not wiggling while you work with it. Really just make sure it’s all secure and there’s no wiggling, that’s all
4 years, 9 months ago by cbb_knots
Also try using a clipboard, it holds the bracelet securely and stops it from turning as much and as you work move the bracelet up so the longer the bracelet is the more is sticking out the other side of the clipboard...
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by So_Knotty
Make your knots tighter and push them up against the other knots
4 years, 9 months ago by daisyellen
Use the same brand of thread for each string so the knots are even! Also practice, and stitched loops and twisted ties are look there neatest 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by unicorns14
I like to use the same thickness and brand of thread for my bracelets. Maybe also take your time, that definitely helps.