how to find interesting patterns ?
Bracelet King
2 years, 5 months ago by marie_k
I usually look through pinterest for pattern (and it 99% of the time lead me to this site) but looking through some people’s to do lists i was wondering… do y’all have any tips to find patterns ? where do you look ? what keyword do you use ?
Bracelet King
2 years, 5 months ago by Rowsitt
i usually sort by photos cuz those are the most popular ones
2 years, 5 months ago by halokiwi
You could look for things that you are interested in or you could check the similar patterns of patterns you like or the creators of patterns you like.
Bracelet King
2 years, 5 months ago by mrs_jordan
I love to look through the photos. I will narrow it down to the amount of strings I want and just go from there.
Bracelet King
2 years, 5 months ago by alivetoliv
Hi @marie_k , a method I do when I'm not searching for anything in particular is basically going down rabbit holes to find hidden gems 🤣 (pattern that are really good but, not very popular yet). -I start on the homepage and look at the recently added photos. Then, I click the first photo that really catches my eye. -Next, I go to the profile of the person who made it and I raid their to do's. I open patterns I like in new tabs. - I look at the similar patterns to those and so on. All the while adding what I like. I found this cute pattern#130605 using this method. I'll probably downsize it a bit and make it. Hope this helped, Macrame Maven |
2 years, 5 months ago by whitneymac
I generally find patterns by doing exactly what you're doing, looking through other people's to-do lists! lt's kind of like out-sourcing some of the sorting.
2 years, 5 months ago by 350_Johnny
i always use the main soical sites like instagram pintrest or even the photo tab on here. ❤️
Bracelet King
2 years, 5 months ago by marie_k
I never thougt of looking through pictures ! I also found tags are more effective than keywords 😄
Bracelet King
2 years, 5 months ago by tkd2010
search “patchwork” as a keyword. i doubt you’ll be disappointed they have patterns for pretty much ALL aesthetics and they’re so cute
2 years, 5 months ago by spyderwebs
if you’re making normal patterns, then i usually use the filters for number of strings and colours, and i’ll do one type of bracelet at a time. for example i’ll do 12 string normal bracelets and i usually limit the colours as well to 6 colours. and then set the order to either loves or ratings, then go through it. otherwise i look at photos of patterns i like, then go through those users to dos because if they made one pattern i like they also usually have saved other similar patterns 🙂. also if you go on the actual website and not the app, if you go to some of your favourite patterns there’s a “similar patterns” section underneath, i’ve found a lot of cool patterns that way!
Bracelet King
2 years, 4 months ago by smplyjedi
I honestly just look thru pictures without filtering strings, size, etc. It’s very random but I find really good patterns this way and I see what they would look like too. Sometimes I look through the main homepage (the b in the top left corner) and just look through that. Hope it helps : )