How manage patterns with many shades of the same color?
2 years, 7 months ago by lukemagnus
Hi all - does anybody have suggestions on how to manage or differentiate shades on a bracelet when there are many tones of the same color?

For instance, this pattern has 10 shades of blue. What are some clever tips/tricks to knot when it's very difficult (or impossible) to visually distinguish the shades? This seems complicated!

I'm thinking of just trying to segment knot and counting positions and threads.
So instead of "Ok - take this midnight blue and FF knot until I get to light turquoise.", I would say to myself, "Ok - start with the third thread from left and FF knot four times."
Bracelet King
2 years, 7 months ago by Lulu_Ninja
I would definitely say to segment knot it, another thing that may help would be to print out the pattern or take a screenshot, that way you can mark it up and cross out what knots or rows you have already completed. This will help take away some of the confusion because it will be clear what you have already completed.
2 years, 7 months ago by lukemagnus
Thanks for the response, @Lulu_Ninja. I even considered numbering/lettering the tones (from 1-10 or A-L), and starting the bracelet by attaching tags to the threads with the identifiers to reconcile back to the pattern. That seemed excessive though......
Bracelet King
2 years, 7 months ago by aurelius
an unconventional approach for sure but you could start your bracelet and wrap different colored stickers (red, green, etc. as long as they are distinguishable) around the ends of your strings and create a variation of the pattern with the corresponding colors (just saving it in your drafts allows you to read it without publishing). it would help you avoid mixing up your shades 🙂

my question is how you found thread in enough shades for something like that? 😄
2 years, 7 months ago by lukemagnus
@aurelius - I don't think what you suggested is unconventional considering I thought of something similar! I figured the string tags would start interfering with knotting as you pulled threads through the loops. I am going to make a little write-up when I'm done. One suggestion I have considered submitting to the site is a feature to display the thread letter in the pattern knot circles - ability to turn display/hide. That might be useful in these situations but potentially too narrow in utility - but it would help me here.

To answer your question :

300+ colors. I think DMC ships outside the United States if you aren't located stateside.
Bracelet King
2 years, 7 months ago by aurelius
you make a fair point. i’m glad that you found a solution though! that sounds like a simple enough feature that would additionally make it easier for people with color blindness 🙂

likewise i am am appreciative of the suggestion, i will consider it if i ever feel the crazy urge to make gradient patterns 😅
(aliexpress string for the win ⭐️⭐️)