What is the back of my Alpha supposed to look like?
3 years ago by Bruh-_-
The back of my alpha pattern looks like a mess. Is it supposed to look messy? If it's not, how do I make it neater?
Bracelet King
3 years ago by aiden707
The back of an alpha is always messy.Unless you use the clean back technique, but that is one for advanced knotters. I would not recommend for beginners. |
3 years ago by halokiwi
MashaKnots sometimes posts the back of her alphas too because people have been requesting it for example in the third slide of this post https://www.instagram.com/p/CXud1tKqvwu/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_linkThe back of the alpha usually looks messy because you've got all the loose leading strings there. To avoid that like mentioned previously you can use the clean back alpha technique where you hide all those loose leading strings in the knots Other ways to get a nicer back are -making a double sided alpha where you put two alphas together back to back -sewing some fabric to the back to hide it -cutting all the leading strings in the back. It should not come undone especially when using the flat alpha technique which gives some extra security |
Bracelet King
2 years, 11 months ago by peanutsv
a mess lol unless you use like the neat back technique idk the name of it Masha knots has a tutorial on it tho!