All around creative slump :/ (this is long)
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by Kiwi_art
So I was doing really good knotting alot and being really proud of my work for a few weeks leading up to my craft show, and after my show I went on a month vacation so I was unable to knot, now that I'm home I want to but I don't really have the motivation to pull it all out and start it and work on it. It just sounds like too a huge task. I also haven't drawn in months, and looking thru my old sketchbook made me want to but now I feel like I already lost all of my skills so I don't have motivation to start again knowing it'll look not as good as it could if I hadn't quit, and it's really discouraging. And I have other crafts I could do like making holiday/ birthday cards cuz I have a bunch of cardstock paper that was given to me by someone special to me before they passed away, but im not using it cuz Idk what to do with it all because those cards aren't exactly what I want to put my time into and sell but like I still wanna use that paper because it's got sentimental value to it. I also have crochet hooks and lots of yarn given to me by my mother but I tried that about a year ago and I kept getting frustrated because I lowk sucked at it and my cat ended up ripping up my stuff so I just put it all away in a box. And I could start another kind of craft but I already have so much supplies for these kinds that I don't have the money nor space in my house for anything else. Anyways lol Im sorry this was long but any tips would be appreciated I really want to get back into crafting because it's what I plan to make money from, it just feels like a huge task rn. (:
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by ArtsyAnna
I have been there before! I go through these phases were I don’t want to do anything with any of my craft supplies and it drives me nuts because I want to craft but I just don’t feel like it! When this happens I try and do something new or try something I haven’t done in a long time. I would suggest try to find some kind of craft you want to do or could do with what supplies you have. If you want to try crocheting again try and find something you would enjoy crocheting. If you want to make cards try make a few relating to your favorite holiday or maybe even a holiday coming up. If you want to draw find something you REALLY want to draw and try it. Maybe even do it a few times! It might not look to nice but try and give yourself some space and try not to erase to much. It might look bad but it will look worse if you don’t do something sooner then later. You could also get creative and glue a bunch of stuff to get her and make something that might be completely random with a bunch of random craft supplies you have! The main thing is just to try and find something you want/ like to do! Or maybe try something new with some of the supplies you have. I hope this is what you were looking for and was helpful! If you need any help coming up with something feel free to ask!
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by ArtsyAnna
That was really long! Sorry!
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by Kiwi_art
@ArtsyAnna I didn't think about that but yeah it'll be worse if I don't start now haha! Thank you!! And I love when people write out long answers in forums lol, I can't help it when I answer anything it's always long and very detailed 😂😂
Bracelet King
3 years ago by RockMusic
I’ve recently have taken up knitting and since you have the supplies for crocheting you could try a new type of craft. If you have the yarn you would only need to get a pair of knitting needles so it wouldn’t take up too much space. Trying something new always gets me out of slumps. You can also knit while watching a show or something. Idk if that helps, just an idea :