Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by JedaKnots
Does anyone know what to do when you are making alphas and you are making a pattern and there is one knot of your background thread color and a color switch right before it like your other color is on the end but there is a knot after it. Does that make sense? 😂 but what do I do with my color switch thread?
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by JedaKnots
Like look at my todos and the second one from the top. You will notice that at the bottom and some at the top that there is a color switch and I use the flat alpha method so I make a knot when I do a color switch. What do I do with my old leading string when the color switch is the knot before the ending knot. Does that make sense 😅.
3 years, 4 months ago by halokiwi
I think the general recommendation is to do a regular colour switch instead of a flat alpha colour switch.

But you can also bring your flat alpha technique further and not only put the old leading string through the next knot but also put the new leading string through the previous knot when making a colour switch. This way while still having to avoid one of those, the other side of the knot will still be secured.