3 years, 5 months ago by Noa_crafts
Hi guys!
Do you have any tips and tricks of getting out of a bracelet slump? This will really help as I have had one for a while now and I cant get out of it!
🙂 ❤️
Bracelet King
3 years, 5 months ago by mintcookie
- try an easy bracelet to get back into it. Maybe search for patterns with lower thread counts or patterns you’re already familiar with, or a pattern that you’ve made before and you really likes.
- try something different. Maybe switch up your colour combinations, or if you’re used to normals try an alpha bracelet. If you haven’t made a keychain/wall hanging you can try those as well.
- identify the underlying reason for the slump. I mentioned the first 2 points because for me, I get bracelet slumps when I get overwhelmed or if I feel that making bracelets becomes too repetitive. Of course, there may be a different or more serious underlying issue for you, so try to figure out what causes it and then deal with it accordingly.
And lastly:
- don’t give yourself too much pressure! Obviously we make bracelets for fun, and if we keep pressuring ourselves to make bracelets for the sake of doing it then what’s the point? So relax, and take as much time as you need. Maybe you just need some time apart from this hobby for a while, and that’s okay ❤️
Bracelet King
3 years, 5 months ago by Karo-H
If you are looking for non-tying options i have something i use that seems to be working for me!

I print out patterns and put them into a little scrapbook-style journal. Making that helos me chose what pattern to do next and makes me excited for future projects!
3 years, 5 months ago by Noa_crafts
@mintcookie Thanks so much for all the tips! I think I have just been putting to much pressure on myself.
But I'm choosing a pattern to make right now and I'm looking forward to doing it!

🙂 ❤️
3 years, 5 months ago by Noa_crafts
@Karo-H OH MY GOD! I love scrapbooking this is an amazing idea that I'm definitely going to do! 🙂 ❤️
3 years, 5 months ago by vintagegal
As much as I'm enjoying bracelets, I'd suggest exploring an entirely new hobby like playing a simpler musical instrument (i.e., ukulele) or a foreign language. Both of these examples are great mental exercise and can easily be tackled online for free. The change of pace may be invigorating!
Bracelet King
3 years, 5 months ago by Crafterina
hmmm I would recommend to remake the pattern which you have done before and you love it, also try them with new colors would help i guess, I also think making small, cute and easy patterns which are fun to work try making them
Bracelet King
3 years, 5 months ago by Camo
School has put me into a slump as well and I noticed that starting a new bracelet gets me more excited to knot. I usually only have 1-2 bracelets on the go bc I’m ocd that way lol. But rn I have 5? I think? It’s making me want to knot more. Also thicker string helps because it gets done faster
Bracelet King
3 years, 5 months ago by GenMalucci
Start with a small bracelet or even just braid a few strings together, maybe reorganize your thread or buy some bobbins and new thread, just to set the base level flame of inspiration in you
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by miabella18
i get out of a slump by watching videos about bracelets not sure if this only works for me tho
3 years, 4 months ago by gnvbooks
Maybe check out some of the challenges and see if they motivate you at all. Also check out Masha Knots. She has some really great stuff that might motivate you to do some of it.
3 years, 4 months ago by Panbylee
@Karo-H I was wondering if it's possible to see the book? I'm really curious about it and might make something similar.
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by Karo-H
@Panbylee that is possible! I'm willing to show how i made it😊
(I'm not a pro at scrapbooking, keep that in mind🤣). If you, or others, want to see it send me a DM so we can discuss the details
3 years, 2 months ago by M_knots08
1. I like to reorganize by string or string basket.

2. I like to buy myself something new. Whether it be a little bit of string, key chains, charms. Whatever you have been wanting to use or like to use.

3. I like to watch bracelet videos, especially ones where the person makes lots of bracelets or wrap up videos.

4. Start a new bracelet. Easy or new and interesting whatever you feel like.

5. Put away unfinished bracelets. So sometimes I fall into a slump when I get overwhelmed or don't want to finish a bracelet. Normally I'm stuck staring at it for a couple days and it puts me in a slump. So just put it in a box or somewhere else if this happens.

6. If your in a slump cause you want to do something else just do that thing. But if you want to get back into knotting try the things above.

Hope this helps. 😊
3 years, 1 month ago by JTSK808
@Karo-H ~ Oh my gosh😱, mahalo he nui loa (thank you very much) for such a great idea with the scrapbooking of patterns!!! 🤗 Oooh I cannot wait to raid my brother’s color printer to start! I supply him with paper AND since my 50th birthday is coming up, maybe he will be so inclined to let me print a few (or many 😂) for my gift. 🎁 Yay! I also have been wondering what to do with this blank journal-style sketch book I had bought on a whim. Mahalo hou (thank you again). 😎🌸🤙🏼
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by clare10
What helps me is find a pattern that you have the string for( and that you LOVE) then don't hesitate and just do it. In fact, that is what I did yesterday! I was in a slump too