I loose my focus easilly when making bracelets, any tips to avoid this?
3 years, 6 months ago by AnUser
Whenever I make a bracelet I take days to finish it because I get distracted at looking at other patterns and watching videos about anything related to bracelets.If you guys have had this before, what helped you deal with it? |
Bracelet King
3 years, 6 months ago by senor
i do this a lot actually, and really, if i’m not trying to make a deadline, i don’t worry about it. because bracelet making is a hobby so i should have fun, instead of feeling forced to make it. if yoh do have to make a deadline, i like to watch a video while i’m making it. or sometimes if i get a certain way through it, i’ll reward myself by like, being able to switch to a different app or get a snack if i’m hungry.
Bracelet King
3 years, 6 months ago by savannahe
it depends on if you have a deadline or not. like if you are making something for a challenge i find it best to just push through and get it done bc it will be rewarding in the end. but if it is just a bracelet for fun then i like to watch netflix or bracelet videos on youtube while i work. i also put my phone on my desk on the other side of the room so that i have a electronic break and so that i am able to just work on what i find enjoyable!
3 years, 6 months ago by AnUser
@senor @savannahe I don't have any deadlines because I do this as a hobbie but there are so many cool patterns that I wanna try and that is why I try to hurry because I might not get enough time for all of them! Thank you a lot for your tips! 😄
Bracelet King
3 years, 6 months ago by savannahe
@AnUser ofc, if you need anything else feel free to ask
3 years, 6 months ago by madeleine_
Have you tried listening to something that has no visual component, just audio (music, podcasts, audiobooks, etc)? I focus a lot better when I don’t look away from the bracelet, but I look away a ton if I’m watching something with a visual component, like a show or a YouTube video.
Bracelet King
3 years, 6 months ago by crafter83
I enjoy normal patterns for this reason because they don’t take too long. Just don’t one that’s repeats too often, cause that makes it even worse
Bracelet King
3 years, 6 months ago by SummerBird
I love listening to music when I make bracelets because it helps me stay focused! You could also try removing any distractions from your immediate area when you're working on your bracelet.