Wrist Pain
3 years, 7 months ago by mcdragon
Hi! So, despite being here for over a year, I... Don't really make bracelets. I suspect I have arthritis or something like that, but the details don't really matter. What does is that I have some pretty terribly wrists; putting any weight on my wrists hurts, typing for too long hurts, gaming with a controller or mouse hurts... The list goes on, and unfortunately, includes knotting my bracelets.I would really like to make more bracelets and participate in this hobby more actively, but if I strain my wrist too much I end up unable to move it for a week or so, which isn't very conducive to my goal... Does anyone have any suggestions for how to mitigate and/or solve wrist pain so that I can knot longer? Thank you so much! ❤️ |
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by Rowsitt
have u tried a brace maybe?
3 years, 7 months ago by mcdragon
@Rowsitt I used to have a brace that I used and it was pretty good, but it's never really a permanent solution. Unfortunately I moved recently and lost it. It also makes my hands pretty sweaty so I get more rope-burn from the threads (though I think that's less the brace and more just needing to get my technique down, but its still something of concern for me).I've been meaning to get a new brace, but my wrists do start hurting again, just... Half an hour in instead of ten minutes (or less) 😔 I'll definitely reorder my brace though, but the issue tends to need more help than a brace can provide. Thank you so much for mentioning it! ❤️ I probably would have forgotten it was an option for knotting and not just typing, lol. |
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by Rowsitt
yeah have u talked to a doctor or smth about it? they can prob give u treatment and it could help the problem or sum
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by Rowsitt
also if ur getting rope burn, they may be too tight. i found that if u want straighter bracelets looser knots tend to give that result, so if u we’re looking for bracelet tips too, it might help both the wrist issue and the actual creation as well
3 years, 7 months ago by mcdragon
@Rowsitt That's fair! I always feel like my bracelets don't hold their knots if I don't make them tight, but I'll certainly work on it and see if it helps. Thank you so much.
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by Rowsitt
yeah gl hope ur wrists get better
Bracelet King
3 years, 6 months ago by hellooooo
I would recommend doing wrist exercises, moving them a little each day is the best. Talk to a doctor, that is the best for you and your wrists.
3 years, 6 months ago by mcdragon
@hellooooo tysm, ill definitely work on that. i think im in a tad of denial about my wrist issues not being common, so i try to ask before going to the doctor just in case. but definitely, ill get it taken care of. thank you so much for your help and concern everyone ❤️
Bracelet King
3 years, 6 months ago by Godluvsu
I struggle with wrist pain too! I do wrist stretches, and then I do wrist curls each way with weights, and some other wrist exercises with weights, you can just search them up! When I’m consistent with that the pain tends to stay managed. And no weights… no problem! Water bottles and soup can work too! Hope you find a solution 😄
Bracelet King
3 years, 6 months ago by stewon6969
I think that if you have wrist pain then maybe try to knot in shorter incriminates so that you can still knot but your wrist won't start to hurt. Also you could just stop knotting for a few days so that your wrist can heal. Just take it easy! Hope that this has helped! Happy knotting! |
3 years, 6 months ago by mcdragon
@Godluvsu wrist exercises are a good idea.. ill definitely look into that, and now that im on campus i have a gym so i can probably get some weights to do proper exercise with for at least a little bit of the day (:@stewon6969 i appreciate the suggestion! i try that every once in a while, but unfortunately the pain is from both using my computer (which i need to do daily) and a variety of other things (drawing, writing, holding things) that even just leaving out knotting wouldn't solve the issue. i do try to take it easy every time my wrist starts acting up, which is usually one week of doing the bare minimum of what i need with a wrist brace on when required, but it's still a pain since i can't do all that i enjoy all the time, y'know? ill definitely keep in mind to do small increments and to rest more often though, thank you. (: happy knotting to you as well! |
3 years, 6 months ago by ThreadMade
Hi! Although I haven’t had any severe problems with wrist pain before I’ve gotten cramps and fingers getting bruised from too much knotting, here are some suggestions! One solution that has helped massively is changing what you use to attach your bracelet on when knotting! I’ve used many different methods before such as attaching the bracelet on a little lap desk, clipboards, safety pins, taping them on desks and even chairs! Finding which one is the most comfortable for me really helped with both cramping and neck pain too which is a great bonus! 😉Another method I’ve used to help prevent sore fingers is by having a band aid around the finger where the string touches the most when making tighter knots, not only does it protect your fingers but it also helps with developing looser knot tension since the ‘cushion’ part of the band aid doesn’t create as much of a sharp knot! Hope this helps! 💕 |
3 years, 6 months ago by MasonS
I can’t help with the wrist pain, sorry, but I do have a tip. I have the same problem of getting rope burn on my fingers when I knot, and I’ve found a simple solution is to put flexible bandaids where the string is rubbing on my fingers. That way the string doesn’t rub on my skin and as long as the bandaids are flexible it doesn’t restrict motion