braided thread harder to work with than “normal” thread???
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by fenway02
currently I’m using dmc pearl cotton thread, and oh my goodness, my knots feel + look smooth but my fb and bf edges 🥲 …. so hard to keep even!!!!!! the right side edges look way worse than my left (which are pretty good) but I’m just wondering- is it normal for braided thread to be harder to work with than regular/“standard” floss???? thank you I’m advance 🤍🤍
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by oceanknot
I think it depends on what you’re used to knotting with. I use embroidery floss most of the time, but whenever craft cord, I feel my bracelets turn out more wonky, especially in normals.
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by oceanknot
Also I do feel like it’s harder to work with sometimes
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by fenway02
@oceanknot thanks so much for responding!!!! I honestly have finally hit a groove with the particular pattern I’m working on right now, but it’s just so much harder to work with than the normal embroidery floss!!!! I felt like I was crazy when I first started + had completely lost all knowledge on bracelet making hahahah. It’s totally crazy how each different brand of thread produces a different look if that makes sense. Would you mind telling me which embroidery floss you use??? I have a couple of the dmc regular embroidery floss, a few of the dmc pearl cotton thread, some loops + threads variety pack, and a set of the hobby lobby brand. I wish I would have invested in more dmc and skipped out on the cheaper variety packs!!!!
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by oceanknot
Mostly loops and threads, but I have some prism, and some DMC that I got from eBay. I also use Lion Brand Yarn Summer Nights, which is almost the same texture/thickness as embroidery floss.
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by fenway02
@oceanknot wow you’ve just made me feel so much better thank you!!!! I see so many people use strictly dmc and sometimes idk whether or not that floss is superior to every other kind?!?! I swear by the value pack of the loops and threads white hahah 😊. I’ll have to look into lion brand, that sound super interesting!!!! I recently invested in Aunt Lydias 10 for base strings and I couldn’t be happier about the way that helped me as well! Thank you so much for your help, I really greatly appreciate it!!🤍🤍🤍
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by oceanknot
no problem at all! I’m glad I made you feel better. In my experience, there’s not a huge difference between the bracelets I’ve made using DMC and Loops and Threads. Definitely don’t feel pressured by others who strictly use it. To be honest, I feel like if I used only DMC, I would be scared to make bracelets because I’d be worried about wasting thread, so buying cheaper variety packs helped me experiment more with making bracelets.