I use my scraps as a way to practice complex patterns.
3 years, 9 months ago by roundcat
I'm pretty new to this, and picked it up as a way to pass time during Covid-19. I want to be able to try more complex patterns in the future, but for now I'm mostly just used to simple patterns like candy stripes and chevrons. I have found a use for my scraps however, and that is to use them as practice attempts when trying more complex patterns. I usually learn by doing, and often fail multiple times before I'm able to get used to doing something. Using scraps not only helps me learn the muscle memory before starting, but if I mess up, it's not a big deal, and I can simply dispose of them. Does anyone else do this? |
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by crafter83
No, but similar. I only used yarn the first couple months since it is way cheaper.