Any questions about running/starting an etsy shop? Ask away! page 2
3 years, 5 months ago by maya3456
@CakeCup It is definitely worth it if you are willing to work at it and if you enjoy it 🥰
3 years, 4 months ago by 500miles
Don’t do it. It’s never worth it to have an Etsy shop for friendship bracelets. The hours it takes to make a bracelet cannot be matched fairly with price. Say you spent 5 hours making a bracelet, your work is $15 an hour (living wage) plus materials for the bracelet $5, plus your skills, let’s say $5. That’s $85 for a single bracelet. No one will pay that. Even if you lower the hourly wage it’s still expensive and no one will buy. Bracelet making a is a hobby used for making gifts. It’s not something you can fairly make money on
3 years, 4 months ago by maya3456
@500milea it is definitely not something that can be a full time job/career but if someone enjoys doing it, that's great! It is something to make a little extra money off a hobby you enjoy, and to be able to buy more materials to keep your hobby going! Please do not discourage others and spread positivity!! 😊
3 years, 4 months ago by maya3456
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by 141594
What is the best way to ship??? What company??? Is just sending an envelope through the mail smart (I feel like it would get lost easily and there is no way to track) Do you suggest sending it in a poly mailer and pay for shipping at the post office???
3 years, 2 months ago by maya3456
@141594 it depends on where you live. Here in Canada, you can send through oversized/nonstandard lettermail through Canada Post within Canada but there is still no tracking, and through parcels for US and International. I like to give customers the option for Tracking or no tracking, to keep a low cost option available. I would recommend going to your local post office or their website (USPS, Canada Post etc) and asking if you want more info on options.
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by prince16
Hi! I’ve been thinking about starting up an Etsy shop (as a fun hobby and something extra) I’m a minor so I’m still in school and play sports and stuff after. For now I’ve been selling things to my friends at school, my family members, and anyone who asks. I don’t need the extra money right now but I think that it would be fun! Do u have any tips for me and also can you explain to me the profit I would make due to shipping and stuff because the Etsy tutorial thing was a little confusing 😂 😂! Thxs!
3 years, 2 months ago by maya3456
@prince16 Hi thanks for asking! The first thing to note is that if you are under 18 is that etsy may require you to be 18 to own the shop. If that is the case, you could ask a parent, older sibling, etc. to be the "owner". I think it is great that you want to start a shop, it is a lot of fun and I'm sure you will love it! For the profit, you will need to take a few things into account when pricing your items.
1) The cost of shipping and materials. Etsy allows you to offer free shipping or charge for shipping. If you are charging for shipping, you can put the cost of shipping there and not worry about it in your item price. If you offer free shipping, you will need to factor that in to the item price. You will also want to get a rough estimate of how much the materials cost you to make it and factor that in.
2) Etsy Fees. Etsy takes a portion of your sales for listing and transaction fees. They total about 9% of the item cost.
3) The time it took to make. You can decide on what you feel is a good amount for you to be paid for your time.
4) Profit. If you would like you can add a couple dollars in profit which you could use to buy more string or things like that if you want. You do not need to do this if you don't want to since you are already being paid for your time and expenses.
In total you will want your item price to be something like (expenses + time + profit) divided by 0.91 (this is to add what etsy will be taking away from your sale so it doesn't cut into your profit)
If you need more information about anything I am happy to answer more questions!
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by prince16
Awesome! Thxs! Ya, I would put my mom under the owner probably🙂 and for the dividing by 0.91 why would you do that? Wouldn’t you just subtract 9% of the item? So like if I said that it costed 10$, you would take away like 1$ and you would make 9 right? Idek 😂 thxs!
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by prince16
Also I didn’t know about the charging shipping so that great to know!!
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by prince16
Also, how do you handle the mass producing, any tips? Do u make a bunch of the same pattern and then post it or... thxs!
3 years, 2 months ago by angelicsky
any advice on seo? (search engine optimization)
3 years, 2 months ago by keilyn
I’m getting a lot of veiws, but no sales, any tips on that?👍
3 years, 2 months ago by maya3456
@prince16 sorry about the late response, braceletbook seems to have stopped notifying me lol!
To answer your first question: Subtracting 9% would work! The dividing by 0.91 is just another way of doing that in case you know how much you want to make from the bracelet, instead of how much you need to sell it for. That might seem confusing so here is an example: You want to make 8 dollars for your time and 2 dollars for your materials, totaling 10, but you don't want the etsy fees to cut into those numbers, so instead you can calculate how much to add to account for the etsy fees. You take the 10 dollars and divide by 0.91, giving you 10.99, so when you sell the bracelet for 11 dollars (I just rounded 10.99), the 9% taken off is 99 cents, leaving you with 10 dollars given to you. I hope that makes sense, you can definitely just you the method you said if thats what works best for you.
To answer your second question: It is completely up to you on whether you want to make many of the same pattern and post it or just one or two at a time. Etsy gives you a spot to put quantity available, so if you just put one, when that one is sold, the item would be sold out.
3 years, 2 months ago by maya3456
@angeliesky Great question! Until you have a lot of sales on your etsy shop, it is quite unlikely for you to be a popular search on any search engines, so I would recommend focusing on coming up more on the etsy site. In terms of my tips for that, use keywords in the section for keywords and in your title that accurately relate to the product that you are selling and that people are likely to search. Also make sure that you are using nice, clear photos to increase the amount of people who click on your product. Hope this helps!
3 years, 2 months ago by maya3456
3 years, 2 months ago by maya3456
@keilyn Thanks for asking! That is a very common thing when you have an etsy shop, and it is quite normal and common. Most people are surprised by the amount of views it takes to get a sale. The best advice I can give you is to just stick with it, and the sales will start coming! Also, make sure that you have good pictures and a good description of your items. If you have a high cost to ship, that could also be part of the reason. If you do, you might want to consider lowering the cost of shipping slightly and increasing the cost of your product slightly! The total price of course would stay the same, but you would be surprised at how people perceive it differently!
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by prince16
Awesome thanks for letting me know!
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by eoffr
@maya3456 how much money does etsy take of for takes and stuff like that. Also, do you have to get like a permit before starting a shop?
3 years, 2 months ago by maya3456
@eoffr Approximately 9% total once you factor in listing and transaction fees. As far as a permit, etsy does not require one to sell on the platform but I would recommend double-checking the rules specifically for where you live. A quick google search should do the trick!