start but dont finish
3 years, 10 months ago by obieegg
I've been starting a lot of bracelets but not finishing them. Anyone have any ideas of what I can do to finish them? Any tips?
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by mstro23
Maybe you could do a little 24 hour challenge for fun. 😊
3 years, 10 months ago by obieegg
@mstro23 maybe... I just feel like I would give up like 10 min in...
3 years, 10 months ago by mhfw04
@obieegg my best advice is don’t force yourself to make bracelets. It could be very possible that you are in a slump. I would just take a break and come back when you feel ready. Also looking through the pictures on this website always help me.
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by boobearb
@mhfw04 exactly what I was thinking. When I'm in a slump I scroll through this website and find patterns that make me want to make bracelets. Also maybe just take a brake, do a different craft something like that. Also maybe find a small easy pattern, might not challenge you but at least has you making some. I have an unfinished bracelets bag that I put mine in when I don't want to make them anymore. Some of them in there I haven't gotten back to for 3 months for different reasons. Good to look back through once I'm out of a slump or even when I don't want to. Just keep some with you wherever you go. Work on them a little at a time, no rush 😊
3 years, 10 months ago by obieegg
@mhfw04 ya. but i havent made any like since last september and i just really want to get back into them...
3 years, 10 months ago by mhfw04
@obieegg if that’s the case, I would just start with the basics. Chevron, candy stripe, arrowhead, etc. then start to go through those unfinished bracelets and see which ones look appealing. And maybe some of them your heart really didn’t want to start in the first place. Just give it time 🙂 ❤️
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by oceanknot
Like what everyone else said, don’t force yourself to make bracelets if you don’t feel like it. If you really want to start finishing your old bracelets though, I would suggest trying to give yourself a small reward for every bracelet you finish. For example, treating yourself to a piece of candy or something (idrk what you like, but I’m sure you’ll be able to think if something). For the future though, I would suggest not starting a new bracelet until you’ve finished an old one, unless you really hate the old pattern. I only have like 1 or 2 unfinished bracelets because I don’t typically let myself start a new bracelet if I still haven’t finished the one I’m currently working on.
3 years, 10 months ago by simplyroxy
i have quite a few started projects, and what motivates me is creating a small normal bracelet which makes me think "oh look, it's not that difficult." Don't force yourself to do anything though, you will manage to get out of a slump eventually! <3
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by lucass_
also, (this is contradicting oceanknot) i start a bunch of projects so i can change between them based on what i feel like doing. it kinda gets them done more. but i dunno, that just me.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by saher
maybe watch other youtuber's 'knot with me' vids, it gives me interest and motivation to get knotting 🙂
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by 5torr
I know this "I don't want to finish [whatever project/hobby I'm interested in at that moment]"-feeling quite well. Like, I start a bracelet, have to stop for the day and next day I just can't get back to continue but rather would start a new bracelet or do something else that has caught my interest. Either I really take a break, or I use one of the following tactics: 1) 5 minutes a day. Eventually my bracelet will be finished. Chances are even great that I feel like continuing once I got started. Maybe even creating a Daily at Habitica for extra motivation. 2) Creating atmosphere and making it something special. Cuddling on the sofa, enjoying the warmth of the sun in the garden, lazing on my beanbag, a biiiig cup of coffee or tea, an audiobook that I'm excited about, planning and preparing such a special afternoon makes me look forward to it.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by ELKARS
i have some suggestions:- make a bracelet in your favourite colour combo - try new string! maybe a type that you've been wanting to try for a long time - make a pattern you've wanted to make for a long time, but never did! |