Twisty Bracelets
12 years, 11 months ago by Electric
If you don't want your bracelets to twist and curl when you tie them, try and tie the knots a bit looser. When my friends and I make fbs, they sometimes do this because we tie our forwards and backwards knots a little too tight. Trust me, it works! 😄
Bracelet King
12 years, 11 months ago by gatorgirl
use scotch tape to tape the bracelet just below your knee and work on it won't need to look for a clipboard...i recommend that tape that they use for taping boxes.....the super clear stuff. it works!🙂
Bracelet King
12 years, 10 months ago by gatorgirl
sorry that was so off topic:[
12 years, 10 months ago by Peanut
Actually, the tape helps me make my knots a bit looser, oddly enough... 🙂
12 years, 10 months ago by Electric
Ok so i just learned that if you tie them too loose, it will look absolutely bad!|😲
Bracelet King
12 years, 10 months ago by love4cats
@Electric yeah, they need to be tied tightly enough but not too tight
12 years, 10 months ago by Electric
why does something so awesome seem so complicated sometimes?! haha lol 😛
12 years, 8 months ago by dutchgirl
I always iron my bracelets after I finish them. It makes them not twist that much.
12 years, 7 months ago by gcsadie
I have this problem a lot...where my bracelets come out so good the first few rows then all the sudden they look too tight. I think maybe I'm just getting to into the bracelet making process after I've mastered the pattern. It really irritates me though...I need to work on that!
12 years, 7 months ago by sherlocked
I use my ring finger when I knot, so luckily for some reason, it keeps the knots evenly tight. I don't know if you know what I mean by using my ring finger, but you should try it! The only time I ever had trouble with curling was when I was 7, and I didn't know you had to tie the knot twice 😛
Bracelet King
11 years, 4 months ago by ostrich
Whenever it starts to twist, I always put a piece of duct tape on it. It really helps
Bracelet King
11 years, 3 months ago by silverfire
Guys use two knots instead of one because one knot will make it twist
Bracelet King
11 years, 1 month ago by sezy
I put my bracelet in a tin so when one part starts getting curly, I put it in the tin and then carry on making the bracelet and it really helps😄
11 years, 1 month ago by Margaron
It has to do with tension, the same thing will happen if you were say.... Crocheting. It's a matter of practice, try some simple bracelets and try to focus on keeping the same tension. It might take a bit longer but you'll find it'll get easier and you'll be quicker the longer you stick at it 🙂
11 years ago by Pandalvr26
Or, if you've made them too tight and you don't want to start over you can press them like you do flower petals between heavy books.
Bracelet King
11 years ago by MelB
I read about ironing it in an earlier comment. Wouldn't that cause the string to melt?
Bracelet King
11 years ago by KnotCrazy
If you don't use cotton string than it might, but I only use embroidery floss (cotton) so I don't know
Bracelet King
11 years ago by MelB
That's what I use! Thanks for the tip. My bracelets almost always twist up